Uniforma: Janin Pasniciuc – voce, chitară; Marius Mirea – Bas; Dan Andrei Modrea – tobe.
Uniforma este o trupă de post punk/new wave creată în 2015 la Bucureşti. “Sound-ul” este un amestec de “old school punk” în combinaţie cu un sunet foarte sintetizat. Uniforma – numele trupei este inspirat de uniformele şcolare, obligatorii pe timpul dictaturii lui Ceauşescu – a pornit din iniţiativa chitaristului Janin Pasniciuc membru fondator al unor formaţii ca: AB4, Zebre, Dekadens, alături de Marius Mirea, bass, membru fondator al trupelor Bere Gratis, Asha, Avenue şi Dan Andrei Modrea aka “X-U“, tobe (Recycle Bin, Dead Ceausescu, Nişte Băieţi).
Janin Pasniciuc a colaborat cu trupele Partizan, The Division Of Joy, Endless Zone şi este cunoscut ca inginer de sunet /producător al unor artişti precum Michale Graves (ex Misfits), Konqistador (Detroit SUA), Molotov Cocktail (SUA), Ecstasy of Uriel (CA), Alexandrina, Viţa De Vie, Hara, Avenue, E.M.I.L , Nişte Băieţi, Steaua De Mare, Pistol Cu Capse, Oliver.
Uniforma (The uniform): Janin Pasniciuc – voice, guitar; Marius Mirea – Bas; Dan Andrei Modrea – drums.
Uniforma (The uniform) is a post-punk / new wave band created in 2015 in Bucharest. “Sound” is a mix of “old school punk” in combination with a very synthesized sound. Uniforma (The uniform) – the name of the band is inspired by the school uniforms, mandatory during Ceausescu’s dictatorship – started from the initiative of the guitarist Janin Pasniciuc founding member of bands such as AB4, Zebre, Dekadens, Marius Mirea, bass, founder of Bere Gratis, Asha, Avenue and Dan Andrei Modrea aka “X-U“, drums (Recycle Bin, Dead Ceausescu, Nişte Băieţi).
Janin Pasniciuc has collaborated with Partizan, The Division Of Joy, Endless Zone and is known as a sound engineer / producer of artists such as Michale Graves (ex Misfits), Konqistador (Detroit SUA), Molotov Cocktail (SUA), Ecstasy of Uriel (CA), Alexandrina, Viţa De Vie, Hara, Avenue, E.M.I.L , Nişte Băieţi, Steaua De Mare, Pistol Cu Capse, Oliver.
- Dristor Tranzistor - CD (2019)