KUMM, (o dată pentru totdeauna) înseamnă “nisip”, în limba tătară.
Formaţia clujeană Kumm s-a înfiinţat în toamna anului 1997, reunind foşti membri ai trupei de rock progresiv Talitha Qumi şi comboului de jazz Short Cuts. Stilul abordat de cei de la Kumm pe albumul de debut este un amestec fericit de free-jazz şi rock psihedelic, cu sonorităţi preluate din filonul etno. Pe albumele urmatoare muzica Kumm se înscrie în genul alternativ.
Prin componenţă, KUMM aminteşte de prima formulă Van Der Graaf Generator, iar muzica, deşi mai puţin crudă, posedă acelaşi spirit aventuros. În ansamblu sound-ul este foarte lucrat, cu părţi vocale extreme de clare, cântată fără cea mai mică umbră de accent est-european, balansul instrumentelor este focalizat iar producţia este foarte curată.
Mark Hughes – Recenzie la Moonsweat March
KUMM , (once for ever) means sand in the Tatar language.
Kumm was founded in the fall of 1997, bringing together former members of the progressive rock band Talitha Qumi and combo jazz Short Cuts. The style of Kumm on their debut album is a happy mix of free-jazz and psychedelic rock with sounds taken from the ethno vein. The music on the following Kumm albums enroll in the alternative genre.
The band comprises of Nutescu Eugen on vocals, guitars and bass, Meier Zsolt on alto and baritone sax, Kovacs Andras on keyboards and Csergo Dominic on drums and percussion, a line-up reminiscent of Van Der Graaf Generator in their prime. However, the music is somewhat less raw than Peter Hammill‘s old combo, but does have the same spirit of adventure that was found in some of the VdGG material. Overall, the band have achieved a very polished sound, the vocals are very clear and sung without a trace of an Eastern European accent, the balance between the instrumentation is spot on and the production is very clean with great separation between the instruments.
Mark Hughes – Moonsweat March review
Moonsweat March - CD / MC
Şapte seri - CD / MC
Confuzz - CD